Platform specifications
: Win 8.1 (64bit) PC: 4 GB RAM; 2.5 GHz CPU.
2GB free hard disk space
OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
Works in Standalone, VST, AAX, Audio Unit.

The software is protected by the Arturia Software Center. You can learn more about it here.
All manufacturer and product names mentioned on this page are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Arturia. The trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers whose features and sound were studied during the development. All names of equipment, inventors, and manufacturers have been included for illustrative and educational purposes only, and do not suggest any affiliation or endorsement by any equipment inventor or manufacturer.
Main Features
- Two engines in parallel with a choice of:
- Virtual Analog triple osc engine
- Complex Wavetable engine (including over 160 wavetables)
- Sample & Granular engine (including sample library)
- Harmonic Oscillator additive engine
- Third Utility engine
- Analog-style oscillator layer with 5 waveforms and 6-octave range
- Dual noise sample players with built-in sample library
- Visual interface with color-coded modules and graphical feedback
- Dual filters with continuous series/parallel routing
- Classic filter types from V Collection instruments
- Modern filter types
- Powerful FX section
- Insert or Send routing
- Modulable parameters
- 18 FX algorithms, from vintage to cutting-edge
- Advanced modulation system
- Graphical editing, source-based or destination-based.
- Envelopes, LFOs, Function generators, Random src, …
- Extensive, ever-growing library of 1200 presets
- Polyrhythmic Sequencer and Arpeggiator
- Create complex, custom and evolving sequences/arps
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