This product is a powerful and convenient instrument, offering a huge number of different libraries and excellent performance, making it a useful tool for music production and sound design.
Overview of UVI Workstation
Cured player from UVI is an excellent and very convenient instrument, and a huge number of different libraries will immerse you in a new musical world. It uses the same emulator as in the cured Falcon (UVIEMU v1.0.8 or UVIEMU v1.0.9) If you already have it installed, then you don’t need to install it again – just run Setup UVI Workstation v3.1.12.exe
Features of UVI Workstation
Excellent and convenient instrument
Huge number of different libraries
Same emulator as in the cured Falcon (UVIEMU v1.0.8 or UVIEMU v1.0.9)
Support for EDEN-encrypted SoundBank by emulation
Legit SoundBank owners can generate R2RUVI with the emulator
Use all UVISoundBank and Falcon Expansion
Share SoundBanks
Better performance than legit
No iLok driver is required to run
Custom directory for UVI libraries
Rescaling UVI Workstation GUI

– New user-interface design for an even more optimized and intuitive workflow
– Favorites tagging option to recall presets
– User-interface scaling to adapt to all screens
– Favorites tagging option to recall presets
– User-interface scaling to adapt to all screens
Sound Gateway
UVI Workstation is fully compatible with all UVI and UVI-Powered instruments from a growing list of companies such as Acousticsamples, VI Labs and Virharmonic. From vintage synths, samplers and drum machines to immaculate grand pianos, choirs and orchestras, UVI Workstation is your gateway into some of the world’s most sophisticated and best sounding instruments.
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