Take Your Productions on a Sonic Trip with Orient Express
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Orient Express is a unique Kontakt Library that takes you on a sonic trip from Europe to the Balkans, from the Near East to the Far East, and all points in between.
The library includes over 200 sounds ranging from Reeded Instruments to Bowed Instruments to Wind Instruments and more. Not to mention the ability to play them in unique microtone scales.
These sounds will definitely give your productions some unique flavors!
The following sounds are included in our Orient Express Kontakt Library
- Accordion Bassoon
- Accordion Bellow
- Accordion Clarinet
- Accordion Lazy
- Accordion Oboe
- Accordion Organ
- Accordion Reed
- Accordion Soprano
- Accordion Supita
- Accordion Synth
- Baglama Humbucker
- Baglama Mono
- Baglama Neck
- Baglama Phaser
- Bouzouki Amp
- Bouzouki Solo
- Bouzouki Tremolo
- Clarinet Amza
- Clarinet Breath
- Clarinet Careful
- Clarinet Confident
- Clarinet Flexible
- Clarinet Hard
- Clarinet Husnu
- Clarinet Quick
- Clarinet Synth
- Clarinet Wide
- Duduk
- Fluier Tremolo
- Fluier
- Flute Flexible
- Flute Pipe
- Flute Quick
- Flute Smooth
- Frula
- Gajda Flexible
- Gajda Folk
- Gajda Octave
- Gajda Synth
- Gasba Breath
- Gasba Puff
- Gasba Woody
- Guitar Flexible
- Guitar Snappy
- Kamanjat Focused
- Kamanjat Sliding
- Kamanjat Soaring
- Kamanjat Staccato
- Kanun Bridge
- Kanun Focused
- Kanun Gentle
- Kanun Metal
- Kanun Pluck
- Kanun Shiny
- Kanun Solo
- Kanun Tremolo
- Kaval Breath
- Kaval Burst
- Kaval Fair
- Kaval Gentle
- Kaval Hard
- Kaval Overblown
- Kaval Pipe
- Kaval Pure
- Kaval Soft
- Kaval Vibrato
- Kaval Wind
- Lead Amza
- Lead Arcade
- Lead Attention
- Lead Ball
- Lead Bite
- Lead Bowey
- Lead Brassy
- Lead Breath
- Lead Bulb
- Lead Cello
- Lead Contact
- Lead Dancey
- Lead Flexible
- Lead Hollow
- Lead Muted
- Lead Octave
- Lead Oxygen
- Lead Party
- Lead Peeking
- Lead Piercing
- Lead Raspy
- Lead Resin
- Lead Resy
- Lead Rising
- Lead Screaming
- Lead Searing
- Lead Sliding
- Lead Smooth
- Lead Snappy
- Lead Square
- Lead Squishy
- Lead Standard
- Lead Sweet
- Lead Swimming
- Lead Synced
- Lead Thick
- Lead Transistor
- Lead Transparent
- Lead Vintage
- Lead Wide
- Mey
- Mijwez Standard
- Mijwez
- Mizwad
- Ocarina
- Organ Farfisa
- Organ Flexible
- Organ Simple
- Oud Hard
- Oud Mono
- Oud Plucked
- Oud Tremolo
- Oud Woody
- Pad Oriental
- Pad Quarter
- Rebab Flexible
- Rebab Resin
- Rebab Sharp
- Rebab Wide
- Sax Barky
- Sax Blower
- Sax Buzz
- Sax Fingering
- Sax Flexible
- Sax Gentle
- Sax Party
- Sax Present
- Sax Smooth
- Sax Soprano
- Sax Wirey
- Sax Yelling
- Saz Amp
- Saz Bridge
- Saz Electric
- Saz Flexible
- Saz Humbucker
- Saz Nimble
- Saz Octave
- Saz Phaser
- Saz Slippery
- Saz Solo
- Saz Wood
- Sitar Pointed
- Sitar Sneaky
- Strings Flexible
- Strings Intimate
- Strings Kemanlar
- Strings Majestic
- Strings Octave
- Strings Oriental
- Strings Orkestr
- Strings Playful
- Strings Silky
- Strings Sliding
- Strings Soaring
- Strings Thick
- Tambal Heavy
- Tambal Metal
- Tambal Old
- Tambal Pluck
- Tambal Pointed
- Tambal Wood
- Trombone Party
- Trumpet Party
- Trumpet Sliding
- Tzouras
- Violin Bowing
- Violin Calling
- Violin Electric
- Violin Focused
- Violin Friction
- Violin Hard
- Violin Harmonics
- Violin Lyrical
- Violin Octave
- Violin Raspy
- Violin Resin
- Violin Scratchy
- Violin Sliding
- Violin Wirey
- Watra
- Zokra
- Zurla Calling
- Zurla Pop
- Zurla Sharp
- Zurla Squishy
- Zurla Vibrato
- Zurla Wide
- Zurna Calling
- Zurna Flexible
- Zurna Focused
- Zurna Hard
- Zurna La
- Zurna Squishy
- Zurna Wide
- Zurna Yellin
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