SSL Native Plugins Bundle (Windows)


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SSL Native plug-ins provide the precision, advanced feature set and legendary tonal characteristics of SSL audio products in affordable plug-in form. The latest Native V6.5 release from Solid State Logic introduces the new ‘X-EQ 2’ plug-in and provides all users authorisation of SSL Native licenses onto a computer instead of a physical iLok dongle. As of SSL Native V6.5, a physical iLok is no longer required to run SSL Native.

 X-EQ 2 – The all-in-one EQ collection
Mastering grade 24-band parametric EQ

X-EQ 2 is the ultimate EQ toolkit for audio professionals. Built upon SSL’s proprietary anti-cramping algorithms, X-EQ 2 simply sounds stunning. With 17 different classic and modern EQ type/curve options, X-EQ 2 is a formidable and powerful contender to be your new ‘go-to’ EQ plug-in.

X-EQ 2 is a highly configurable 24-band EQ plug-in, featuring unique anti-cramping algorithms for an unparalleled open and transparent sound. It’s the ultimate EQ toolkit, with 17 different EQ types and filter shapes. Each band is switchable between bell, shelf, low pass or high pass filter types, with both classic and customisable shapes available for each band. It features brand new spatial processing options, band soloing, and the classic X-EQ ‘Parallel’ mode for recreating the characteristic sound of old parallel passive EQ circuits.

 Key features

  • 24-band fully parametric high quality digital EQ, featuring unique SSL anti-cramping algorithms
  • DSP Optimisation makes X-EQ 2 super efficient and CPU light
  • A total of 17 different filter types: 5 different cut filters, 9 bell shapes, shelving filters, a parallel mode, and custom filters
  • Extensive control options including draggable EQ graph nodes, mouse wheel adjustment and numerical data entry
  • Extremely low noise and low non-linear distortion filter algorithms resulting in the residual THD+N significantly lower than 24-bit quantisation noise
  • Mid/Side and Left/Right spatial processing options
  • Individual band solo and bypass
  • Real-time FFT analysis display
  • Inclusion of Phase & Step response graphs to show the effect of EQ processing


 Channel Strip – Classic SSL Console Channel Strip
Classic SSL console EQ and Dynamics Processing for your DAW.

The SSL Native Channel Strip delivers the legendary tone and features of an SSL console channel strip. The EQ is a classic 4-band design with parametric LMF & HMF sections and shelving LF & HF sections (LF & HF switch to Bell).

The whole EQ can be switched between E & G Series characteristics and can be applied to the dynamics side chain. The Dynamics section offers separate Compressor and Gate/Expanders. The Compressor can be switched between soft and hard knee. Both the Compressor and Gate/Expander sections feature fast/slow attack switches and independent side chains. The plug-in also features High and Low Pass Filters which can also be applied to the side chain.

 Key Features

  • Classic SSL console channel strip features and sound
  • 4-band EQ, two shelving sections and two parametric
  • Variable low-pass and high-pass filter
  • Switchable EQ characteristics between E Series and G Series EQ
  • “Over-Easy” soft ratio compression characteristic for smooth transitions
  • Variable process order routing
  • Dynamics side-chain processing with independent side chains for compressor and expander/gate


 Bus Compressor – Classic Analogue, now Digital
The sound of the legendary SSL Stereo Bus Compressor.

The centre section compressor from SSL’s 1980’s G Series analogue console is an audio production legend. It is the secret behind countless classic recordings. It is a simple unit with a simple purpose; it makes complete mixes sound bigger, with more power, punch and drive. It brings cohesion and strength to your mix without compromising clarity.

“Sticks your mix like audio glue.” – That’s how we often hear the SSL Stereo Bus Compressor described, along with – “You strap it across your mix – and it sounds like a record.” We could wax lyrical about the technology – but hey, you already know how great this thing sounds – you’ve heard it on countless hit records from the last three decades.

The Dec 2018 SSL Native v6.2 software release adds two new features to the SSL Native Bus Compressor; a Dry/Wet mix control and side-chain High-Pass Filter. The Dry/Wet mix control blends between compressed and uncompressed signal, allowing quick and easy parallel compression without using additional busses. The addition of the side-chain high-pass filter allows for reduction of the amount of low frequencies in the audio that is triggering the compressor so reduces unwanted pumping effects.

 FlexVerb – Your new go-to reverb
Simple, powerful, intuitive and rich.

FlexVerb is a brand new fully-featured and extremely versatile SSL reverb plug-in designed to deliver a professional mix-ready sound in a quick and intuitive way. FlexVerb’s versatile split early-late reflection interface allows you to add the natural body and tone of different early room reflections, complimented by the richness of a variety of expansive reverb tail options.

FlexVerb features a 6-band EQ, High and Low Pass Filters, 3-band reverb time multipliers and input sidechain compressor to help you craft reverb that sits perfectly in your mix. FlexVerb’s algorithmic architecture gives you the depth, character and detail of a professional reverb in a simple rewarding interface.

 Key Features:

  • Four Reverb Types: Room, Hall, Plate, and Chamber.
  • Early & Late Reflection types can be independently selected; for example, Small Room Early Reflections, with a Large Plate Reverb Tail.
  • 6 Band SSL EQ, with 3 bands of reverb time multipliers.
  • Output compressor (applied to reverb only) side-chained by the ‘dry’ input signal; useful to help sit the reverb in the mix.
  • Lockable Dry/Wet Mix control; fix the mix of dry and wet signal when switching between presets.
  • Infinity reverb time switch.
  • Reverb tail kill switch.


 Drumstrip – Clarity, punch and power for your drums
The simple path to better drum tracks.

The secret to making an average drum recording sound incredible can be elusive. It takes the right combination of processors, with the perfect sonic character, in the correct configuration and tweaked in the right way. Drumstrip takes drum sounds from ordinary and average to vibrant and exhilarating in a few quick, easy steps.

Plug in, switch on and experiment. Drumstrip handles the hard part; putting the right selection of fantastic sounding processing tools in your hands in an instant. With Drumstrip, DAW users can attain increased presence, clarity and detail in their drum tracks; reduce spill in individual tracks; restore natural brightness; achieve greater perceived loudness; shorten or lengthen the attack and sustain of percussive signals; tighten up booming toms; make kicks and snares stand out in a mix; and parallel compress room mics.

 Key Features

  • Carefully selected collection of five audio processing tools
  • Transient shaper with Transient Invert to bring the attack phase of your drums to life
  • Transient Shaper Audition enables you to isolate and monitor the effect of the Transient Shaper
  • Dedicated drum Gate with range and independent open and close threshold controls
  • High Frequency Enhancer to invigorate top end
  • Low Frequency Enhancer to improve bass frequencies
  • The classic SSL Listen Mic Compressor with additional bypass function to alter the legendary band-limited compression to full range compression
  • Adjustable processor order—because a different processing order is required for different types of drums
  • Input & Output Level metering with additional RMS meters


 Vocalstrip 2 – One Stop Vocal Processing.
The fast track to a professional vocal sound.

Vocalstrip 2 is an application specific plug-in that draws upon decades of SSL professional engineering expertise to combine the right four processing elements to create the simple route to professional vocal recordings. Combining EQ and dynamics sections with essential vocal processors, Vocalstrip 2 aims to bring power, character and clarity to vocal tracks from a single interface. Vocalstrip 2 solves the challenges of producing great vocal recordings with four processing tools carefully selected and calibrated to deliver great results every time.

 Key Features

  • 4 selected vocal processing tools with a unique SSL twist
  • Comparative analysis & dynamic envelope based De-esser
  • Comparative analysis & dynamic envelope based De-ploser
  • 3-band SSL EQ with High-Pass, ‘asymmetric notch’ and ‘air’ bands
  • Compander featuring compression, downwards expansion and output drive
  • Informative visual feedback showing EQ curves and real time FFT overlay


 X-Saturator – Versatile analogue distortion circuit emulation
Analogue style edge for your digital recordings.

X-Saturator delivers a stunning range of analogue style distortion effects. It is an emulation of an analogue circuit that introduces either 2nd order valve style or 3rd order transistor style distortion or a blend of the two. At low drive settings the distortion is mild and can add gentle warming to help instruments sit nicely in a mix or to add a little extra edge to help instruments cut through a mix. As drive levels are increased so too is the level of distortion until at high drive levels heavy distortion occurs.

The controls are simple: a Harmonics control selects 2nd or 3rd order distortion or a blend of the two, a Drive control sets the drive level, a Depth control the amplitude of the distortion and a Shape control adjusts whether the distortion has smooth or hard edges. A Headroom button provides an additional 6dB of headroom for creating heavily boosted/distorted signals without digital clipping. A dedicated wet/dry mix control facilitates parallel processing. There are Input and Output Meters and Input and Output Level controls. X-Saturator can be automated via standard DAW Automation data and has A&B Preset ‘slots’ with an A/B switch for easy comparison of two different combinations of settings.

 Key Features:

  • A stunning range of distortion characteristics
  • Emulation of valve or transistor style distortion or a blend of the two
  • Great for helping instruments either sit within or cut through a mix
  • Superb range of heavy distortion characteristics at high drive levels
  • Wet/Dry Mix control for parallel processing
  • A&B Preset switch for settings comparison
  • Full DAW automation for all controls


 X-comp – The new face of dynamics processing
Mastering-grade compression.

X-Comp is a sophisticated and extremely versatile stereo compressor that cuts through the mass of freeware and bundled plug-ins available with genuinely professional features, results and interface. The audio performance, specifications, analysis tools and depth of control offered by X-Comp are exemplary.

It delivers mastering grade audio fidelity with a distinctly analogue feel and can be used for everything from ‘invisible’ subtle dynamic control for mastering, to dramatic ‘brick wall’ effects that inject raw energy and power that competes with the legendary SSL Listen Mic Compressor. Between these two extremes X-Comp can reproduce the characteristics of a wide range of modern and classic vintage compressors. In X-Comp we haven’t just modeled a particular compressor, but have provided a set of features and controls that allow the emulation of a broad range of compressor designs.

 Key Features

  • Exceptional versatility; from mastering grade transparent compressor to incredible brick wall gain reduction
  • Advanced graphic knee control with 0 to 40dB range and proportional response characteristic
  • Dual symmetrical knee design allows detailed shaping of the compression characteristic
  • Max Gain Reduction control sets the maximum reduction between 20 and 60dB
  • Advanced side chain architecture using 1st order filters delivers user-friendly Frequency Dependant Parallel Compression
  • Amplitude Histogram display provides advanced real time pre/post signal analysis
  • Intuitive user interface with drag and move graphic, mouse wheel and numeric editing
  • Stereo input and output metering with peak hold and separate RMS meter
  • A/B facility for instant comparison of two different Compression set ups
  • MIDI control capability for all parameters
  • Global soft latency free bypass


 X-ValveComp – Saturating valve style compression the SSL way
The fully featured channel compressor with added grit.

X-ValveComp is a fully-featured mono or stereo channel compressor with a full set of classic channel compressor controls and an added ‘valve’ emulation stage. The valve emulation stage sits after the compressor in the signal path and adds a variable degree of primarily 2nd order harmonic saturation and distortion that thickens and colours the sound.

The compressor can be switched between Peak or RMS modes and has a full set of standard controls including; Threshold, Ratio, Knee, Attack, Release and Hold. There are Input and Output Meters with separate kick down compression amount indication and Input and Output Level controls. There’s a Gain Make Up control and switched Auto Gain Make Up mode. A dedicated wet/dry mix control facilitates parallel compression. A Side Chain input high and low pass filters can be used to trigger compression. X-ValveComp can be automated via standard DAW Automation data and has A&B Preset ‘slots’ with an A/B switch for easy comparison of two different combinations of settings.

 Key Features:

  • Fully featured mono or stereo channel compressor
  • Valve emulation stage adds harmonic saturation and distortion
  • Switches between Peak & RMS mode
  • Side Chain with high and low pass filters
  • Manual and Auto Gain Make Up modes
  • Threshold, Ratio, Knee, Attack, Release, hold controls
  • Wet/Dry Mix control for parallel compression
  • A&B Preset switch for settings comparison
  • Full DAW automation for all controls


 X-Phase – Frequency specific phase control
Intuitive tool for correcting awkward phase issues.

X-Phase is an All-pass Filter plug-in that offers the user manual control and high quality response. It enables the user to apply a phase shift (sometimes called a phase offset) at a specified frequency within a signal. Unlike other filter types where the gain of selected frequencies is altered, with an All-pass Filter the gain remains unchanged throughout the signal. This is useful for fixing phase problems with microphones when recording: eg overheads causing phase problems when mixed with close mic’s.

X-Phase can also be used to create a comb filter by applying a filtered signal to an unfiltered version of the same signal. With X-Phase the controls are simple: a Frequency control selects the desired frequency where a phase offset needs to be applied, a Q control sets the slope of the curve of correction to be applied across the signal and a phase invert button enables the phase of the filter to be flipped 180 degrees.

A separate Delay section is applied to the entire signal for broader time alignment of the signal. The Delay controls consist of a delay control which can be set to display and adjust in seconds, milliseconds, samples, metres or feet and a set of buttons for fine tuning.

The overall plug-in can be set to adjust either L, R or both L&R. X-Phase can be automated via standard DAW Automation data and has A&B Preset ‘slots’ with an A/B switch for easy comparison of two different combinations of settings. There are Input and Output Meters with Input and Output Level controls.

 Key Features:

  • Frequency-specific phase control
  • Frequency and Q controls
  • Delay setting in a range of formats
  • L, R or L&R operation
  • A&B Preset switch for settings comparison
  • Full DAW automation for all controls

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