Amazing Legato
We recorded every possible note-to-note transition throughout of the range of Joshua’s Stradivarius… in 12 different styles. Bow Change, Slur, Portamento, with different speeds and dynamics. When playing melodies you hear an actual performance!
The Sound of a Virtuoso
The sound is what separates Joshua Bell from the rest – it’s what makes him one of the most sought after classical musicians in the world.
Every sample Mr. Bell recorded was a performance imbued with his artistry and finesse.
Make it Your Own
We created an articulation assignment system that lets you tailor-make the instrument to the performance style you prefer.
Keyswitching, CC’s, Aftertouch, Velocity, Playing Speed, Pitch Bend, and more… it’s all available for you to personalize!
Intuitive Performance
There’s an entire page of humanization controls that allow you to alter tuning based on speed, interval and attack, as well as a bow/slur switching system that will let you sound amazing with very little effort. Take a look at the INTUITION page to see what other controls let you customize your sound.
Natural + Modeled Vibrato
We recorded full sets of vib and non-vib performances, so that you can choose what you want. The nature vibrato is incredible… it’s an integral part of Mr. Bell’s tone.
But if you want to control vibrato yourself, we’ve integrated our scripted vibrato into the instrument.
Standard + Unique Articulations
Legato, sustains, staccato, spiccato, tremolos, trills, harmonics… we recorded everything you’d expect from a solo violin.
But we also captured an incredible set of ricochets, super-flautando sustains, tasto + ponticello sustains, and even true-legato harmonics (bows, slurs and portamento)
Pristine Sound
We spared no expense with the recording… We recorded at the former Avatar Studios (now owned by Berklee), bringing award-winning engineer Richard King to lead the sessions. The room was the perfect space for us because it gave the sound enough space to flourish without coloring the sound without unnecessary reflections.

The Interface

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